What is it that you can learn from your competitors mistakes made in SMS marketing?

Learning from Competitors’ SMS Marketing Mistakes: SEO Implications

Though it may sound like a completely different world, there is a surprising link between SMS marketing and SEO that you can use to further your online presence. Analyzing the mistakes of your competitors with SMS marketing provides interesting feedback into your SEO strategy. This article looks at a few key points where a competitor’s mistakes can prove to be good teachers.

1. Too ‘Salesy’ Content

One error which most people make in SMS marketing is being too promotional. Sending subscribers way too many sales pitches could result in unsubscribes and even destruction of brand reputation. The same goes for SEO; over-promotional content may negatively affect your search rankings as the search algorithms give preference to informative and value-based content.

Lesson: Add value to the audience by informing and entertaining them through blog posts, articles, or even teaching through SMS campaigns.

2. Bad Targeting

Sending SMS to the wrong audience means Maldives Mobile Number Data fewer people responding and waste of money. In the same way, targeting wrong keywords in SEO means low visibility in search engines.

Lesson: Conduct thorough keyword research. Find relevant terms matching the search intent of your target audience. You may use Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to determine competitive popular keywords.

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3. Frequency Issues

Sending an SMS campaign too often could lead subscribers to unsubscribe out of annoyance, while sending them too rarely could get you to miss opportunities. Similarly, in creating content for SEO, frequency should strike a proper balance: too frequent publishing will dilute your material, and publishing it too seldom may hurt your visibility.

Lesson: Hit that golden middle as far as balance is concerned between the levels of frequency and quality. Build a content calendar by means of which you will regularly publish at specified time intervals.

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4. Lack of Personalization

Generic SMS campaigns are impersonal and disconnect the receiver. The same is true with generic content, which cannot appeal to your target audience. Much like SEO, personalization is very important in SMS marketing.

Lesson: Leverage data to craft personalized SMS campaigns and content. Think demographics, interests, and even past interactions.

Without monitoring, it is hard to tell what works and what doesn’t. The same thing happens with SEO: it is impossible to make data-driven decisions without looking at website analytics. It shows how well your content performs and whether anything needs changes.

Lesson: Use analytics tools to monitor SMS campaign and website performance. Keep an eye on the following metrics: open rates, click-through rates, and search engine rankings.


It is also important to conduct searches around where competitors have gone wrong with SMS marketing; here, valuable lessons can be ascertained for improvement on better ways to go about your SEO strategies. These will range from avoiding over-promotional content and ensuring appropriate targeting to focusing on personalization and analytics.


Article Publisher : Mailing Data

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