Want more subscribers and leads? The best way to get them is to offer a lead magnet, i.e. a free gift in Killer Lead Magnets exchange for their contact information. A lead magnet can be a PDF report, a chain of emails ( like an autoresponder ), a coupon, or […]
Belgium Email Database
3 posts
It’s a golden time for marketers. We can track every click a potential customer makes. This means Symbiosis of Marketing we know almost everything our customers do online. This knowledge can be backed up by data from social media, search engines, and e-commerce. If we put all this data together, […]
1. It’s very important to measure the success of your email marketing campaigns, for both understanding their effectiveness and allowing you to optimize future strategies. Below, I point out several key metrics and methods with which to assess your email marketing performance effectively. 1. Open Rate The open rate […]