Relationship Marketing and Interactive Marketing

Traditional marketing is the “father” of all other types, the basic direction. The main methods of its activity are the analysis of the target audience, the definition of its interests and needs, the identification of pain points and the creation of a unified concept for the promotion of goods, services or the entire brand.
Conversion — needed to increase the current demand for the product. For this, promotions, bonuses, discounts are use. For example, affiliate marketing. This is promotion base on special agreements conclude with the company’s partners. Often implies a discount for those who came from the partner.

Stimulating marketing – used when there is no demand

Stimulating marketing helps to find the reasons and choose ways to solve the problem and generate demand.
Developmental marketing is use to turn potential China Phone Number List demand into real demand. Marketers study the nes of the audience and create a new product for them.
Supportive marketing – this type of marketing is use in stable competition and stable demand. For example, for products that have become popular over the years of existence on the world market. Thus, the Coca-Cola company launches annual advertising campaigns for the Sprite drink and maintains the recognition of one of its brands. Subtypes:
Brand Marketing involves a series of actions aime at encouraging consumers to choose a particular brand. A catchy slogan and a bright logo are just one element of marketing.

Relationship Marketing and Interactive

Marketing can maintain constant contact with the audience. The promotion strategy is conducting surveys, drawings, organizing interactive games and other events.
Remarketing — repeat marketing is use to revive demand Cell Phone Number Database and reactivate customers. The potential buyer is reminde of the benefits of a familiar product and  to a target action.
Synchronic marketing is use when there is irregular demand for a product, such as seasonal clothing or footwear. Marketers try to balance sales with flexible prices, promotions or discounts.

Counter marketing is used to reduce the increased

Demand for harmful products, such as tobacco or alcohol. The goal of this type of marketing is to convince consumers to give up bad habits (tobacco or alcohol addiction) by regulating supply.
Demarketing is used to ruce demand for a company’s product. This type of marketing is needed if a company does not produce enough goods or wants to balance the level of supply and Mailing Data demand for services. Sometimes marketers conduct selective demarketing and reuce demand only for a certain audience. In this way, you can focus on a more profitable part of the market and position the brand only for a certain target audience .
Depending on market coverage
To ensure that products meet the nees of the audience, companies identify and research target market segments. Knowing the target segment increases the effectiveness of marketing activities. In this category, there are three types of marketing.