Mistakes and risks when implementing geotargeting

Conversion indicates how many recipientsĀ  performed the desired action, such as visiting a store or cafe, or using a discount. Macy’s saw a 25% increase in conversions thanks to targeted offers.
Average check helps to assess how geotargeted offers affect purchase volumes. At Starbucks, the average check of customers who received SMS with offers was 20% higher.
For Gold’s Gym, the key metric was the increase in new customers, which was 18% higher than average thanks to geotargeting.
Analyzing these metrics allows you to understand what aspects of your campaigns are performing best, identify opportunities for improvement, and improve the effectiveness of future campaigns.

When implementing geotargeting there are common mistakes to avoid

Too many messages can irritate customersĀ Azerbaijan Phone Number List and lead to unsubscription.
Non-personalized messages may be perceived as spam and will not attract the attention of customers.
Incorrect data can result in messages being sent to the wrong recipients, reducing the effectiveness of your campaign.
To avoid these mistakes, it is important to carefully plan each stage of the campaign and follow all privacy rules.

Privacy Breach Risks and How to Minimize Them

Implementing geotargeting also comes with risksĀ Azerbaijan Phone Number Database of breaching user privacy. Common mistakes include incorrect geofencing, incorrect targeting, and breach of privacy. To avoid these issues, it is important to follow these guidelines:

Ensure your campaigns comply with all legal requirements for personal data protection

Inform customers how their data is use and provide the Mailing Data opportunity to opt out of receiving communications.
Use accurate data to set up geofences and only send messages to customers who might actually be intereste in your offer.
Proper implementation and adherence to recommendations will allow geotargeting to become a powerful tool in your targete SMS mailings, increasing their effectiveness and customer satisfaction.