How to create explanatory and promotional videos: instructions
Video creation is not relevant for our industry
Video can be used in any business. The demand Key Metrics for Analyzing Video Marketing here is not determined by the business itself, but by people. It is important to remember that B2B and B2C are actually just B2H (business to person), and people love video. To see this, it is enough to look at the data of numerous studies and surveys:
54% of users want to see more video content from marketers
83% of consumers worldwide prefer YouTube to watch video content.
73% of global shoppers prefer to watch Libya Phone Number List entertainment videos on social media.
In 2019, video was the #1 media used in content strategy, overtaking blogs and infographics.
In fact, the industries with the biggest opportunities are those that have previously used video minimally. Just look at the recent rise of online video in real estate. Now, you’ll see many agencies showing potential clients drone footage, virtual tours, and more. To make the most of video in your strategy, you simply need to ask yourself what your potential buyers want to see.
Read also: 127 Unknown Facts About Video Marketing
Video Marketing Effectiveness Is Hard to Track
Video marketing performance can be really hard to track, but only if you use platforms like YouTube or just publish videos on your landing page . In this case, you will only see the total number of views.
However, if you use dedicated video creation platforms, you can get a full picture of who is watching your video, what the audience likes, and what actions they take after Libya Phone Number Database watching it. And with CRM and marketing system integration, you don’t have to spend all your time on this analytics. You can trigger actions based on how your viewers watched the video. Did they only watch the first few seconds of your video? Send them another video. Did other users watch the part of the video that showcases your product several times? Then you need to motivate them to contact the sales department, as you may have potential customers on your hands.
Few people use video in their marketing strategy
Video is perhaps the fastest growing type of content in existence today. It increases email open rates, increases landing page CTR , motivates users to share your posts on social Mailing Data media, increases time spent on page, and attracts more potential customers than text alone. And if you choose a quality video creation platform, you can optimize one video for all customer acquisition channels.
A quality video creation platform will provide all the necessary tools for trimming, editing, and optimizing videos. You will also be able to add dynamic content to personalize your videos. You can add logos, names, and even products that appeal to different audiences.