If you believe that the subject of the ad is incorrect, please contact us .
If the recommendations did not help, write to us using the form at the bottom of the page. Be sure to indicate the ad number and the period of time during which you notice a decline in impressions and clicks.
What is the dsp.yandex.ru platform?
The name dsp.yandex.ru unites external network platforms that collect an insignificant number of impressions. For this reason, we do not decipher their names in statistics. As soon Morocco Phone Number List as the platform collects a significant number of impressions, its name will be deciphere.
Why are there few impressions in a geosegment for which an upward bid adjustment is set?
You may be using long-tail keywords and the probability of being shown to. The selecte Location-base Audience segment is low even with an upward bid adjustment. Choose keywords with a higher impression frequency. If you want to increase impressions in the selecte location segment. You may be using long-tail keywords and the probability. Of being shown to the selecte Location-basd Audience segment is low even with an upward bid adjustment. Choose keywords with a higher impression frequency if you want to increase impressions in the selecte location segment.
Additionally, competitors may have raise their bids, and your bid with an upward adjustment is not enough to win the auction. Adjust your bids, and you may win the auction more often and be selecte to show.
Why don’t the number of impressions in the Report Wizard and the Search Queries report match?
Check the settings of the Search Queries report. The report with a filter by keyword text does not take into account queries that were not clicke and that are not decipher in statistics ( Other search queries ). Therefore, the number of impressions for a keyword in the Report Wizard may be higher than in the Search Queries report.
In the Report Wizard, the Ad Type slice helps you Morocco Phone Number Database evaluate ad statistics for products and catalog pages in a Unifie Performance Campaign. In a product campaign, this data is available directly on the campaign page.
More detaile statistics can be found in the Report Wizard and in the Search Queries report . For the Single Performance Campaign, Product Campaign, add slices:
They allow you to study the performance of specific products or catalogs using familiar metrics: impressions, clicks, conversions, revenue, etc. This information will be useful for campaign optimization. For example, you will be able to identify the positions that bring the most conversions or revenue and compare this data with the CRR.
“Product category” and Product manufacturer are displayed only for products
For catalogs, this information will not be in Mailing Data the report. The category and manufacturer are specifi in the report base on information from the fee or micro-markup of the site (if generation in the campaign is configure by site).
If you use these same slices in the Search Queries report , you will see which queries were use to display specific products or catalogs.