How frequently would you be sending SMS to your subscribers?

With their high open and click-through rates, SMS marketing has become part and parcel of digital strategies. Conversely, sending messages too rarely will cause subscribers to forget that they ever signed up to hear from a brand in the first place, and sending messages too frequently may, quite frankly, pester them into unsubscribing. So, the million-dollar question: how often should you send SMS messages to your subscribers?

Factors to Consider

How frequently you should send SMS depends on various factors, including:

Subscriber Preferences: Know your subscribers. Some subscribers will like the daily frequency, others may only want to hear from you once every week, or even less.

Campaign Goals:

Understand the goals of the campaign. Are you looking for sales, awareness, or customer service? Based on the different goals, the frequency of messaging may vary.
Relevance of Content: Always Djibouti Mobile Number Data make your SMS messages relevant and informative to the subscribers. Irrelevant or too frequent SMS can result in un-subscriptions.
Industry Benchmark: Find out about industry benchmarking. By doing this, you will have an idea regarding the general frequency of messages that is considered acceptable in your field.
Monitor the level of engagement from your subscribers. When the open and click-through rates are good, you can increase the frequency of your messaging. In the case of low engagement, reduce frequency.

Best Practices

Following are some best practices about the frequency of SMS marketing:

Start Small: Start with small frequencies and gradually increase them depending upon the response from subscribers.
Segment Your List: Divide subscribers into groups based on their preference or demographic. You can go ahead and send messages to each of these segments with a different frequency.

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AB Testing:

Test into different frequencies to find what will be best for your audience.
Offer Opt-out Options: Provide clear opt-out options in your SMS message so that it shows you respect their preferences.
Send Messages at Strategically Appropriate Times: This is an appropriate time of day and day of the week when subscribers can pay attention to your messages.

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Examples of Effective Frequencies

E-commerce: Once a week or once every two weeks for promotional messages, daily updates of orders placed.
News Outlets: Daily headlines, breaking news alerts.
Loyalty Programs: Weekly or bi-weekly rewards updates, offers personalized.
Event Planning: Event reminders, last-minute updates.
Customer Support: Immediate responses to inquiries or issues.
The bottom line is that the best frequency of SMS depends on your goal, target audience, and type of content. Consider all these points and best practices to keep your subscribers engaged and reach your marketing goals.


Article Publisher : Mailing Data

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