Improvement of production, production concept (early twentieth century). The concept is based on the belief that customers will buy a common product at a low cost. Therefore, efforts should be concentrated on improving and studying production capacities and on redistribution. The concept is usually applied in the following situation: demand for products is higher than supply and the cost is excessively high.
Product improvements, product (20s of the last century). The concept is based on the fact that people will want to buy quality goods with better consumer characteristics.
Intensification of commercial efforts, sales concept (1930s-50s). The essence is as follows: buyers will not want to buy the company’s products if they do not work hard in the sales area. This concept is constantly used in relation to consumer goods, in this area various methods of identifying potential customers and carrying out “hard sales” have been brought to perfection.
Market activity, marketing (50-60s). The concept of market activity implies: the key to achieving goals is a clear understanding of the needs of both consumers and companies.
Socially ethical marketing (since the 60s of the twentieth century) . The concept has become relevant due to changing paradigms, due to changing society and relationships within it. They are connected by the need to focus on people’s needs and their satisfaction. This concept implies providing mutual benefits for buyers, companies and the whole society.
Only mutual consideration of all three factors leads to success. The concept defining the goals of marketing activities is satisfied customers, which are an indicator of excellent, coordinated work of all company services.
The concept of holistic (integral) marketing or service (modern, Kotler 2009) . Based on the planning, development and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities, taking into account their breadth and interdependence. Holistic marketing recognizes that everything is important in marketing and that an expanded, integrated approach is often necessary. Holistic marketing includes four components: relationship marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing and socially responsible marketing. Thus, holistic marketing is an approach that attempts to recognize and balance the various competencies and complexities of marketing activities.
The meaning of market relations themselves is changing. Their consistent transformation is a response to serious modern economic and social challenges of our time.
Thus, based on the definition, goals, objectives, functions and methods of marketing, we can conclude that the science of marketing is focused exclusively on the consumer and the satisfaction of his needs.