I noticed a decline in impressions and clicks

The number of impressions and clicks could have I notic I noticed a decline in impressions a decline in impressions and clicks droppe sharply for the following reasons:

Insufficient rate
Maybe your competitors have rais their bids and your ad group is unable to win the auction due to a low bid or downward adjustment. You can raise your bids or remove adjustments to win the auction more often and be selecte to show.

Seasonality of the offer

Some offers are of interest to users only at certain times. For example, the word “valenki” is searche I notice a decline in impressions and clicks  for in Yandex more often in winter than in summer. You can find out in what Namibia Phone Number List periods of time queries on your topic are more popular using the word selection service .

Similar ads in different campaigns

Perhaps your other campaigns have more effective ads with similar display conditions and the same regions. To find them, in the Report Wizard, select the Campaigns and Ad  sections , and Namibia Phone Number Database in the filter conditions, specify the display conditions (keyword texts, retargeting and audience selection, mobile app interests) and regions. In the report, you will see which ads bring in more impressions and clicks.

Ads that are experiencing a decline can be turne off in favor of more successful ones, or their display conditions and regions can be change.

Restarting the strategy

Some of your actions will cause automatic strategies Mailing Data to restart. For example, when you change strategy settings or top up your account when your balance is zero.

When you restart a strategy, the system recalculates the indicators to build a new forecast and select the optimal rates. This takes some time.

Learn more about the strategy restart .

Adult, sensitive or tragic themes
You may have your ads so that moderation classifie them  as adult , sensitive or tragic . Such ads are shown in Yandex.Direct with restrictions: adult content – only in search and. In networks on sites with adult content, tragic content – only for exact search queries, sensitive content. – Only in search and in networks on sites with. A topic corresponding to sensitive content.