Virtual Marketing. Buzz Marketing is a promotion strategy that involves deliberately spreading rumors about a brand or its product. Often this is presented as a leak or scandalous story. This is effectively picked up by the media, unlike regular advertising.
Direct Marketing. This includes email newsletters , print and online advertising, database marketing, outdoor advertising, SMS, phone calls, etc.
Marketing of services.
Allows to improve quality, as well as satisfy all needs and desires of potential and existing clients.
Viral marketing. It is important that the advertising Chile Phone Number List offer “hooks” the clients and causes an emotional response.
Referral marketing is a way to promote products or services through real people. The participant tells about the brand’s products, attracting new customers and improving demand, and gets a reward for this.
Network marketing (multilevel marketing, MLM, mlm) is a model for promoting goods from the manufacturer to the consumer without the usual intermediaries in the form of retail stores. The sale of products of network companies is carri out by agents – distributors .
Concentrated marketing focuses on reaching a specific market
segment to best meet the nes of a specific audience. For example:
Influencer Marketing uses people’s trust in famous people: bloggers, artists, athletes. Their appearance in advertising causes positive emotions in a person and a desire to buy the same Chile Phone Number Database product that their favorite celebrity uses.
Event Marketing promotes a company’s product through participation in various events – festivals, concerts, symposiums, etc.
Neuromarketing. It works on the basis of research of the reaction of human neurotransmitters to a particular PR object: banner, native advertising, special offers, useful recommendations, etc.
Global Marketing. Here it is necessary to take into account absolutely all the features of each country: the interests, preferences and needs of its residents, their solvency, local laws and customs, and other factors.
Differentiate marketing is designe to target multiple market segments with a separate product or offering for each.
Account-bas Marketing is work not with the entire target audience, but with a separate group, selecte from the target audience bas on a number of common characteristics. For example, with VIP clients – prospective buyers who will adequately appreciate a personal approach.
Strategic marketing is the process of planning
Developing and implementing maneuvers to gain a competitive advantage in a company’s chosen market niche.
Data driven marketing is an approach to management, the main Mailing Data postulate of which is that decisions should be made base on the analysis of figures, and not on intuition and personal experience.
Personalize Marketing . The marketer collects available information about users. Then creates a database of potential clients, divides them into groups for easy distribution, and sends a unique offer to members of each: a personalize promo code, a personal discount, a gift from the company, etc.
By consumer type
Companies produce and sell goods and provide services to different audiences. Depending on the type of consumer, the following types of marketing are distinguishe.