“Hacking Marketing by Phil Barden 2017

The book is suitable for everyone, as it is written “Hacking Marketing by Phil Barden 2017 in simple and understandable language. If you are intereste in brand promotion and creating an attractive image, achieving tasks and goals, increasing sales and consumer demand, then this manual is a must-read.

The book is recommended by managers of such large companies as VkusVill, Yahoo!,

“Cool Brands Must Be Hot: The Fresh Guide to Burkina Faso Phone Number List Market Promotion” by Juri Van Den Berg, Matthias Berer, 2022
Create baseon interviews where top managers who worke for brands BBC, Converse, Coca-Cola, Ebay, Mastercard, H&M, MTV and Diesel share information about the specifics of promoting these companies. You will be able to achieve your goals and objectives by using the information correctly.

“Breaking Through the Noise

How to Get Everyone’s Attention Online” by Tim Burkina Faso Phone Number Database Staples and Josh Young, 2020
Here are the mechanisms and examples of. How to promote your product in the conditions of intense competition. Achieving your goals, without advertising agencies or a large staff of marketers. It will be useful for the development of social networks, it is important to follow all the points. Here, classic marketing tools are applie to such meia platforms as Google, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

The manual will be appreciate by freelancers and aspiring marketers who want to develop in the online sphere, and will also be of interest to entrepreneurs who are use to acting independently.

The book written by a marketer with 25 years of experience

Tells about a new approach to advertising and market Mailing Data positioning. The methods describe were use to develop T-Mobile. They brought the brand a high level of sales and a large percentage of profit share, and eliminate shortcomings. The method is base on a scientific approach and neurological theory.

“The neuroscience of purchasing decisions is base on a simple equation: net value = pleasure – pain. The higher the net value, the more likely the purchase is,” quote.