Assess the effectiveness of innovations

consumers don’t have ideas to “shoot at”;
“shooting” with the wrong idea;
Due to an incorrectly chosen advertising strategy, they “shoot” not with an idea, but with a thought that is not capable of activating the idea.
2. There is a mismatch between the product and the idea that is the basis of the need

The consumer, receiving information, cannot understand whether the product meets his needs or not, or clearly sees that the product does not meet the need. In this case, we are talking about incorrect information, given that the product itself is quite capable of satisfying the need. The reason for the latter situation is often also the wrong choice of advertising strategy, which is created not to promote the product, but for the process of its creation. In essence, we are talking about advertising for the sake of advertising, and not to increase sales. In this case, the product being promoted is the last to be given attention.

The simplest practical application of sales

Conversion is to evaluate the effectiveness of innovations Argentina Phone Number List at a retail outlet. How is this done in practice? Before implementing changes in the store’s operations, measure the indicator. Now proceed to innovations

expand (or reduce) the range of products;
improve advertising;

change the principle of product arrangement

change the terms of service.
After some time (it could be a week, a month), calculate Cell Phone Number Database the coefficient again. If you see an increase in the number of buyers, then you can consider your experiments successful, if a decrease, then, on the contrary, unsuccessful. When evaluating the results, take into account those factors that could distort the results of the work or affect the indicator.

It is worth noting that an increase in conversion indicates an increase in the company’s profits

3. Forecast expenses

Forecast expenses

Calculating conversion will help an entrepreneur determine the Mailing Data amount of expenses necessary to attract the required number of customers. Let’s consider the following example. The goal of the company’s manager is to sell a thousand units of equipment per month. The company spends 15 thousand rubles per month on advertising. Conversion for the previous month is 48.8%, namely:

The meaning of the term “conversion” is determined mainly by the area of ​​its use. In online advertising, this is the usual name for the ratio of banner impressions to clicks on a link. In Internet marketing, conversion is the ratio of the number of all site visitors to those who performed the target action (indicating an email address, registering for a webinar, etc.).

As for traditional sales, the conversion rate is calculated as the quotient between the number of all customers interested in your product and those who made a purchase. Percentages are mainly used to measure this indicator, but simple fractions can also be used. According to experts, all company promotion activities are aimed at increasing sales conversion. The formula for calculating this indicator is quite simple.