How to implement a WhatsApp content strategy?

Inbound marketing is often presented as THE technique to generate leads and take them to purchase. However, at each How WhatsApp content stage of the purchasing cycle, inbound marketing relies on web content. Without this fuel, it is difficult to attract qualified buyers and convert them.

But then… Is the goal (really) to create content for your target audience, then wait? Hoping for the magic to happen? Not so simple.

Often, when we talk about content strategy , we think “content” and not enough “strategy”. A strategy is a set of actions and means deployed to achieve an objective. In this article, we will see how to raise the level of your Content Marketing strategy.

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Inbound marketing and content marketing: how are they linked?
Content Marketing, another synonym for Inbound Marketing? And vice versa? Not at all. In the large marketing family, these two strategies are very distinct… And yet linked.

Let’s start with Inbound Marketing . It is a set of techniques that consist of attracting qualified visitors, generating leads, converting them into customers of your solution and retaining them.

In other words, this strategy consists of bringing prospects to you (as opposed to Outbound Marketing, which consists of going to find prospects). Once the prospect is well magnetized, the idea is to move them forward in the conversion funnel until conversion. The final objective of inbound marketing is therefore to go from point A (first contact) to point Z (purchase).
To succeed in attracting and converting these prospects, the ally of marketers is (you guessed it): content!

Content Marketing is therefore one

of the levers of Inbound Marketing. We also talk about content marketing: its role is to create and share relevant content aimed at a previously defined target audience. All this, to attract and retain customers.

By implementing a content marketing strategy, your brand has its own media. A content strategy includes two components:

The creation of high added value content (carried out internally, by an agency or a freelancer): blog, white papers, customer cases, webinars, newsletters, etc.
Content promotion , in order to increase the entry points between Internet Cayman Islands WhatsApp Number Lists users and your brand: natural referencing on Google, social networks, promotion with influencers, etc.
To summarize, inbound and content marketing are two complementary strategies . And to take advantage of them, the ideal is to use a marketing automation solution like Plezi, which helps you deploy your Inbound Marketing strategy and maximize the ROI of your content strategy.

Why is investing in content essential in B2B?

The Most Cost-Effective Strategy for Finding Prospects
18 calls are needed (on average) to connect with a potential buyer , according to Nomination (2021). And when we know that 98% of telephone prospecting actions turn into failure, according to LeapJob… We can admit it: the end of telephone canvassing is near .

To find prospects, the solution seems to be elsewhere. Since the rise of digital technology, the rules of the game are changing. The rejection of traditional prospecting methods is strongly linked to the evolution of customer journeys and the acquisition funnel . Buyers are becoming more Cayman Islands WhatsApp Numbers Database autonomous: today, a B2B buyer completes 65 to 90% of their purchasing journey alone , according to Forrester Research. They prefer to find their answers by themselves. So, we might as well make their task easier and satisfy them… By providing them with quality content.

This is the whole point of marketing content

offering useful, accessible content that meets needs and helps move you through the purchase funnel. In addition, if this content is correctly referenced on Google, you will attract more visitors to your website, increasing traffic and click-through rates (CTR). All this without any advertising investment.

At Plezi, we advise you to opt for this cost-effective and sustainable approach, rather Mailing Data than putting your entire budget into SEA. This costly advertising strategy can be beneficial in the short term, but much less interesting in the long term. So, if you need to convince your management to invest in just one channel… It’s content marketing!

And if your boss asks you about these benefits… Use the arguments in the following article, which explains why investing in content marketing for your business. And communicate these key figures, just below.

Content Marketing Numbers

The first advantage of a content strategy? Its cost… And its profitability! Indeed, content marketing is approximately 62% less expensive than traditional marketing tools, for 3 times more leads generated, according to DemandMetric .