This service is provid by:
brazauk ltd, incorporat and register in england Braza UK Terms and wales under. Company registration number 6397296 whose register office and trading Conditions address is at 2-4 victoria avenue. London ec2m 4ns, unit kingdom. Brazauk ltd is licens by the financial conduct authority. Under reference number 900901 and has been grant. Permission to issue electronic money (“e-money”) and provide payment services. Brazauk ltd is also registered with. The information commissioner’s office (uk), reference number: z2025467.
Services offered:
the client will be issued with electronic money (e-money) which will be stored indefinitely in a multi-currency electronic wallet – e-wallet. Through the braza uk online platform and desktop and mobile application, clients can make uk consumer email list database payments and withdraw e-money by instructing a bank transfer or selecting a physical collection location (available in certain currencies and countries only) and also carry out currency exchange transactions.
Services offered:
the client will be issued with electronic money (e-money) which will be stored indefinitely in a multi-currency electronic wallet – e-wallet. Through the braza uk online platform and desktop and mobile application, clients can make payments and withdraw e-money by instructing a bank transfer or selecting a physical collection location (available in certain currencies and countries only) and also carry out currency exchange transactions.
Fees and charges:
all fees and charges are specified upon client registration and are subject to continual modification.
Communication: all communications between us and the customer must be made through the following channels: secure online portal, provided as part of this service, or contact by email at info.
the customer will be provided with security credentials to access their online portal. The security credentials will consist of: a password (which will be defined by the customer) and an authentication code, which will be sent to the customer’s email or mobile phone. If the holder of the electronic money becomes aware of a compromise in the security UK Consumer Email List Database credentials, they must contact us immediately by email at info. In cases where the holder of the electronic money suspects that fraud has occurred, they must inform us as soon as possible. Upon notification of the suspected fraud, we will investigate the matter immediately. Where the holder of the electronic money has intentionally disclosed the security credentials to third parties, they will be liable for any adverse incident arising as a result.
The electronic money holder on one month’s written notice or by us on two months’ written notice. We will give you at least 2 months’ notice of any changes to this agreement.
the agreement and any matter Braza UK Terms arising out mailing data of or in connection. With it shall be govern by and constru in accordance with english law. Where a customer is dissatisfied with the way we have dealt with a complaint. They may appeal to the financial ombudsman.
Full terms and conditions
this agreement governs your access to and use of all products and services provided by brazauk ltd.
By accepting this agreement, you agree that you have read and. Understood all of the terms and conditions set out in it.
By accepting this agreement, you agree to enter into a legally. Binding agreement and you represent that you are 18 years of age or over and are. Therwise capable of entering into a legally binding contract.