How will you handle duplicate or invalid numbers?

Duplicate or invalid numbers can’t go without causing a huge effect on the SEO of your website. Such mistakes definitely will create chaos for search engines, which may further lead to poor rankings. Herein is a guide on how to identify and handle such issues.

Identifying Duplicate or Invalid Numbers

Regular Expressions: Use tools like Google Search Console or Screaming Frog to identify numbers that occur too frequently or in patterns that aren’t anticipated. In such scenarios, regular expressions can be used to identify certain formats of numbers.
Data Validation: Apply data validation to forms so that incorrect numbers cannot be submitted via the user. This could include checking formats are correct, like phone numbers and ZIP codes, and numbers fall within certain ranges.


If you have a number of pages with similar content but, say, with variations, use canonical tags to point out the preferred version of each page. This helps search engines understand the relationship between such pages.
301 Redirects: If you have migrated a page with a specific number, make sure to set up a 301 redirect to the new URL. This ensures that search engines and users will be routed through to the proper place.

Dealing with Duplicate Numbers

Consolidate: If there are several pages sharing Tunisia Mobile Phone Number List the same number, then consolidate them into one page. This would not only improve user experience but will also prevent search engine confusion.
Redirect: If that isn’t possible to do, then 301 redirect one of the pages to another; this will avoid duplicate content issues.
Canonical Tags: These are important in telling the search engines what version is preferred when there are duplicate numbers. The relationship between these pages will, therefore, be clarified, enabling one to avoid penalties for duplicate content.

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Solution to Invalid Numbers

Data Cleaning: Clean up data on a routine basis to eliminate invalid numbers, ensuring that errors are corrected and there’s no duplication, and data consistency is observed.
Validation: Introduce and apply more strict rules of validation to avoid having invalid numbers entered at the first instance.
Error Handling: When the users are supposed to input numbers, it gives a clear message in response to invalid entry. This can save them from frustration and fix the problem as soon as possible.

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Additional Considerations

Structured Data: If you want to provide context to search engines about your numbers, then use structured data markup. It will help them recognize the applicability of the content for certain searches, hence improving your ranking.
User Experience: The website should be friendly to the users, which is easy to navigate around, even when you have some problems regarding numbers. Monitoring: Be on the lookout for the inappropriate replication of numbers or invalid numbers on the website. Employ techniques and tools that can help in the realization of such problems and solve them without wasting any time. By following these rules, you will be able to manage efficiently duplicate or invalid numbers on your website, improve your SEO, and maintain a good user experience.


Article Publisher : Mailing Data 

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